Bio Heat: What Is It?

When you hear the word Bio Heat, does your head spin a little? If you are an energy-conscious individual who is focused on preserving our environment then you might have already heard the term Bio Heat or at least have a basic understanding of what it is.

In its most basic terms, Bio Heat Heating Oil is heating oil blended with biodegradable, organic materials such as soybean oil. Renewable and non-toxic, Bio Heat is not only kind to Mother Earth; it’s kind to heating systems, too. Not to mention the fact that it is an inexpensive energy alternative, it’s extremely clean burning and it has the highest Btu content of any alternative fuel.

Another fun fact about Bio Heat is that it is domestically produced. Thus when you as a customer choose to use Bio Heat as your main heating oil source, you are also helping to support our nation’s farmers while also reducing our dependence on foreign oil which is always a plus!

Rest assured, Bio Heat produces the same satisfying heat as your regular heating oil but it also has its own benefits that help it stand out all on its own.

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Bio Heat Heating Oil Benefits for Homeowners:

  • It costs just about the same as “regular oil” and can actually save you up to $150 each year on your energy bill.
  • Bio Heat has a high lubricity and can enhance and extend equipment life such as high efficiency boilers.
  • You don’t have to make any modifications to your burner or tank or buy any new equipment to use Bio Heat.
  • You don’t have to change your budget plan, payment plan, service contract or warranties.
  • Bio Heat is virtually sulfur free and contains no nitrogen or offensive aromatics.
  • Bio Heat promotes better air quality by lowering toxic emissions. It is also sustainable for sensitive work environments and homes with young children, seniors, and pets.

Wondering what makes up Bio Heat heating oil? These every-day products of nature can be used to produce the alternative environment-friendly fuel:

Avocado Hemp Peanut Sesame
Jojoba Pecan Soybean Macadamia Nut
Brazil Nut Sunflower Oat Oil Palm
Cashew Safflower Pumpkin Seed Coconut

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