Let’s face it. We all use fossil fuels in our daily lives.
Whether we are cooking a meal for our family, driving to work, or charging our cellphones. We are using energy and emitting greenhouse gasses. That doesn’t make us bad people. It’s just reality.
Fuels are essential to life, not only for travel and heat, but also for providing key components in manufacturing, running hospitals, pumping clean water, etc.
A simple way to reduce emissions is by utilizing green or carbon neutral energy.
Contact Us to Learn MoreMy family loves the outdoors and enjoys going camping. We drive a big, gas-guzzling truck so we can haul our camper. While we need the truck for practical reasons, we wanted to at least do our part at home. We switched to green electricity and carbon- neutral natural gas with Shipley Energy. While we don’t have the luxury of offsetting all our emissions in our daily lives, this was a quick, tangible way to make a difference, so generations to come can enjoy the outdoors like we do.
Aside from offering renewable energy, here’s what we are doing as an organization in our commitment to help the environment.