Getting your monthly electricity bill can surely be a “shocking” experience if you have unknown costs racking up. Some of your biggest electric offenders are obvious; heating and air conditioning are the biggest energy vampires, sucking the money right out of your wallet. Others sneak up on you like the five pounds of unwanted weight you all of a sudden gained on your backside; after eating grandma’s dangerously delicious pound cake that you could’ve done without.
It’s easy to point fingers at the big appliances, like a refrigerator that is constantly running, when in reality it could be consuming fewer watts than smaller items. Toasters, hairdryers, coffee makers, vacuum cleaners, and curling irons all use more power than you think. But that’s no excuse to throw out the hairdryer and coffee maker—the goal here is not to scare all your co-workers when you walk into the building on Monday morning.
The good news is that there are steps you can take to ensure that no unnecessary costs are going into your monthly bill. There are four tips that Shipley Energy can offer you to cut back these sneaky costs and make the journey to becoming a more energy-efficient member of the community:
Don’t let the energy vampires suck the life out of your electric bill- switch to Shipley Energy today to avoid any surprises on your next statement!